7:21 PM
Here's the post of my 1st BICC picture's. :-) Okies, enjoy the photos....

This was my memoriable day of my life in Multimedia Univesity,Melaka...Should tell THANKS to atihika n yana..becoz of them I became BICC commitee member..WOW..ok let me tell you what is BICC ?? BICC = BEST INTELLECTUAL & CREATIVITY COMPETITION ...
For us this is Final Semester ... As i knw every year Centre for Diploma Programme of Multimedia University,Melaka will organize this award ceremony...So all together Thanks to Syaffiq,Surenthera Kumar,Siti Nurliana,Atiqah,Nazura, AND of coz MADAM IZAH. sad..I was not there during BICC. So k..but at least i can look at da pics here..ehehe
hehehe..yea laaar ms...rilli enjoyed.. :-) luv u ms...muaxxx...mizz u alwayz..