Adiperukku festival (15.08.2008)
4:06 PM

Adiperukku, a thanksgiving to the river Kaveri...Aadi festival is celebrated for the birth of the tamil month of Aadi (July - August).This festival is special for various Ammans. Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays of this month are considered very auspicious. A lot of festivals are celebrated in the month of Aadi. This tamil month marks the beginning of all festivals during the festival season. Tamil month Aadi is an auspicious month that has five Fridays. All these Fridays especially the 1st, 3rd and 5th are very auspicious.
Today is the last Friday of the Tamil month ‘Aadi’. And like all Fridays of this month, this day is considered sacred - especially for worship of the “Energy” aspect of God, the feminine aspect of the Supreme, Amman….. I took a chance and visited Amman Temple at Malacca and these is the photo's which i managed to snap.
Aadiperukku, water ritual through religious practice: In India the rivers Ganges and Yamuna, Cauvery and Gothavari are considered sacred. Just like the earth gives us food, water is considered as a sacred necessity to meet the needs of individuals. People began to worship water in the form of wells, tanks and rivers. Playing to the tune of Aadiperukku folk songs and KUMMI by group by young women are the major attractions during this festival.