Rituals and traditions are the bread and butter of a well-nurtured and connected family. Without these fundamental building blocks, it is difficult to have a well-connected household filled with comfort and healthy communication. If you are the type of person who grew up with family traditions...den u must plan a Family Gathering every month...As we did last sunday..Afta sooo long..My family + My dad's brother fly + Navina Fly :)

The Hindu festival going by the name of Chitra Pournami is observed on the full moon day in the month of Chithirai or chaitra corresponding to the English months of April-May, when the asterism Chitra( virginis) holds sway. It is a festival observed to propitiate Chitragupta the chief accountant of Yama, who is believed to record the commissions and omissions by men in order to punish or reward them after their death.

Sorry pepzz , Out there...Been soo long i din turn up with any post !! Here go with my latest updated photo's :)
Last Saturday ,my mandram LPDM organized a dinner , Chithirai Puthandu Isai Dinner at Saujana Hotel,Subang Jaya...
Here are some of the function photo's. :